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Past events

Humamoid Forum at Roboworld expo at Seoul

Humamoid Forum at Roboworld expo in Seoul with Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro from Japan.

Conference in Roboworld Seoul with
Hiroshi Ishiguro from Japan


Participation in the world AI cpngernce Shanghai conference

This year IIRC participated at WAIC. 

In addition to lecturing as keynote speakrs, we assisted 5 Israeli startups to be invited to paticipate  in the Future100 early stage pavilion, and take part in the 5YN (Five Years From Now) competition.


Sep. 2023

Israel China Cooperation Conference in Sep 2023

Israel China Cooperation Conference in Sep 2023-1

Aug. 2023

A delegation from Jiansu province set by CCIP, the Israeli Consulate in Shanghai, and the Israel Ministry of Economics, 

visited Israel Intelligent Robotics Center IIRC.
After opening by Guy Urman the Co founder and Co chairman of IiRC, the delegation was presented to the Israel Landscape of Intellegent systems and to number of companies in the health sector.

IIRC delegation visit

Chinese Ambassador visit, Aug. 2023

The Chinese Ambassador to Israel with China  Science and Technolgy  Ministry counselor and 5 members of the Chinese embassy  had met Israel Intelligent Robotics Center IIRC. 

The Inteligent Robotics landscape in the Industry and Academia was presented by  IIRC management. 
Potential cooperation between China and Israel has be detailed and discussed. 
All parties wish to expand the coop with the support of the Ambassador and S&T team. 
Chinese ambassador visit

Global Robot Cluster and the Israel Intelligent Robotics Center(IIRC) will host the Global Robot Cluster Webinar Series on Wednesday, June 21st at AM 10:00 Israel time, UTC/GMT AM 07:00

You will have the opportunity to grasp the various aspects of Israel’s robotics industry and explore robots from various sectors. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Yosi Lahad, the representative of the Israel Intelligent Robotics Center, for his efforts in inviting guest speakers and more for this event.

Please refer to the Zoom link below.

Registration via Eventbrite :

Zoom link :

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday, June 21st. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

21 June Global Robotics Cluster  GRC, with 28 clusters and 21 countries members   led  a webinar  presented by Israel Intelligent Robotics Center IIRC.  

IIRC team  presented trends in Intelligent Robotics and the Israel AI BOTICS landscape industry and Academia, followed by presentation of 7 companies in Industrial, health, agritech, cleaning  and construction

IIRC webinar (past event)

Israel - Shenzhen

30 NOV – 1 DEC 2022

Click here for details

Yosi Lahad shall be lecturing in that conference: TRENDS IN ROBOTICS AND ISRAEL ROBOTICS OVERVIEW

Meet the featured speakers



The first robotics conference in Arava, launched in partnership with IIRC.

Thursday, 15.12.2022, free entrance.

Click here for details.


A3 Association for Advancing Automation

is North America’s largest automation trade association representing more than 1,100 organizations involved in robotics, artificial intelligence, machine vision & imaging, motion control & motors and related automation technologies.

Jeff Burnstein, President of A3 Association for Advancing Automation, will visit Israel at the end of Nov 2022. IIRC is hosting an event in Tel-Aviv on 28th Nov where Jeff and several selected companies shall be exploring  cooperation in the US market.

A3 president Jeff Burnstein visit at IIRC. A3, the large Robotics hub in USA, President met 14 Israeli based Intelligent Robotics companies.

The President of 3A , Mr. Jeff Burnstein visited Israel few months ago. 

A3 is North America’s largest automation trade association representing more than 1,100 organizations involved in robotics, artificial intelligence and related automation technologies

During the visit the Israel Intelligent Robotics Center IIRC had set a full day of meetings with over 15 CEO’s of leading Israeli companies in the field of robotics and a number of academic members. Together we examined possibilities for cooperation with entities in the USA, including business opportunities and possibilities for investments. As a result of this event few Israeli companies were offered by IIRC to apply for a startup challenge competition that will be held at Automate conference organized by A3 association in Detroit from May 22 to 25, 2023. Ten of the finalist are to be introduced in the event, these 10 companies successfully passed the selection process, will gain significant exposure to many players in the field including investors. 

 Two of the of the 10 selected finalists are Israeli companies :

Easy Floor Robotics and Pickommerce AI Robotics that will present in the final stage of the Automate. . 

The companies were introduced and recommended to 3A by Israel Intelligent Robotics Center , IIRC

Participation in AIBotics conference

AIBotics (AI in Robotics) is the event that brings together renowned experts to discuss and showcase proven technologies and projects around the world.

AIBotics 2022 re-bounded into a physical and in-person event on 23-24 August 2022:

  • Registration of >  600 delegates and visitors to our global conference and exclusive exhibition
  • 126 foreign visitors with 46 speakers from about 30 countries
  • Hosted the 7th Board Meeting of the Global Robot Clusters on 22 August 2022
  • Exclusive technology showcases AI and Robotics
  • The winning entry @PitStop Challenge is from CTU Team B
  • Exciting meeting of the minds and many ideas were exchanged via a powerful series of networking leading to opportunities for collaboration

AIBotics Show gatheres a strong community of suppliers and users of technology along with top academia. AIBotics 2022 shared the latest advances in technology and potential use cases. Our theme this year comes very timely:

LOOKING AHEAD: Our Future of Work “Next Stop — Collaborating with Robots and Augmented Intelligence”

We discussed Future Technology, Future Work and Future Skills. Heard from the experts who shared how we can move   post-pandemic with our future of work, hand-in-hand with augmented intelligence. There was also a comprehensive showcase of  technologies that can be leveraged to augment human capability.

AIBotics participation
AIBotics participation

Participation in WAIC Conference

WAIC conference

WAIC is one of the most influential AI events within the global tech, science, and industry ecosystem.

The World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Shanghai is an annual event that is co-organised by several government ministries of China and the Shanghai Municipal Government. Having been successfully held in Shanghai for three years since 2018, it has become a transformative movement for tech startups, scaleup companies and AI industry players within the region to showcase and learn more about the AI ecosystem and its new innovations, investors activities, business and governmental support.

WAIC has gathered the most influential scientists, entrepreneurs, officials from government and international organisations. Elon Musk, Jack Ma, and Robin Li, were some of the notable speakers at the WAIC 2020.

This year, WAIC is having a Southeast Asia inaugural event in Malaysia in conjunction with WAIC 2021.